For all those who do not know that guy up top name is Jon Burge, here is more recent
photo, he is a former Chicago Police Commander, and leader of the "Midnight Crew" which I'll explain in minute. Well, that guy up top was convicted on Monday by a federal jury of three counts of obstruction of justice and lying about torturing suspects.
He is facing up to 45 years in prison, but nobody really thinks he will serve that long of a time. Since 1972 Burge has tortured more than 200 suspects, sent innocent men to jail, made the Chicago Police Department and Cook County State Attorneys office a disgrace, Burge's Methods lead to George Ryan Clearing out Death Row in 2003.
Listen to this, Burge was acquitted of torture in 1989, suspended in 1991, then fired in 1993 after he was found of using torture to get confessions out of suspects. It's just so much to Burge and his torture ranging from Andrew Wilson who was arrested in Feb. 1982 and by night time ended up in the hospital due to chest bruises, forehead lacerations, and thigh burns, to 13 year old Marcus Wiggins electrical shocking. Burge has put innocent man on death row, and just about all of the victims of his barbaric methods were black. One compared Burge's actions to "A Southern Sheriff leading a posse that turned to a lynch mob", Jesse Jackson stated that the black community was under Martial Law. Victims state that the former Police Commander would smother them with plastic bags, shock them in the balls, or play Russian Roulette with a .44 aimed at their head.
Mark Clements who was tortured in 1981 which led to a false confession when he was 16, spent 27 years in prison for arson and murder, stated "I sat in a prison cell, and I prayed for this day".